SO sorry, every one .. my MF ac have benn baned again,

Now i finding another filehost to upload the file

Gundam Seed Soundtrack (Anime)

Gundam Seed Soundtrack:
01. INVOKE [T.M.Revolution]
02. Moment [Kazuma]
Realize [Nami Tamaki

01. Anna ni Issho Datta no ni [See-Saw]
02. RIVER [Tatsuya Ishii]
03. FIND THE WAY [Mika Nakashima]

Gundam Seed Destiny:
01. Ignited [T.M.Revolution]
02. Pride [HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR]
03. Bokutachi no Yukue [Hitomi Takahasi]
04. Wings of Words [CHEMISTRY]
05. Vestige

01. Reason [Nami Tamaki]
02. Life Goes On [Mika Arisaka]
03. I Wanna Go To A Place [Rie Fu]
04. Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru [See-Saw]

Insert Songs:
01. Akatsuki no kuruma [FictionJunction YUUKA]
02. Honoo no Tobira [FictionJunction YUUKA]

Gundam Seed Destiny STARGAZER:
01. Hoshi no Tobira

*Updated December 06, 2011
*Please report broken links!

Note : If the link don't show up after 5 seconds,

1. right click "SKIP AD"
2. Copy link adress
3. paste it to the URL box

enjoy ^_^

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Japanese Music

1 komentar:

Hzndi mengatakan...

nice dude, wanna download this :)

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