SO sorry, every one .. my MF ac have benn baned again,

Now i finding another filehost to upload the file

Gundam 00 Soundtrack (Anime)

Gundam 00 S1 Soundtrack:
01. Daybreak's Bell [L'arc~en~ciel]
02. Ash Like Snow [The Brilliant Green]

01. Wana [The Back Horn]
02. Friends [Stephanie]

Insert Song:
01. Love Today [Taja]

Gundam 00 S2 Soundtrack:
01. Hakanaku mo Towa no Kanashi [UVERworld]
02. Namida no Mukou [stereopony]

01. Prototype [Chiaki Ishikawa]
02. Trust You [Ito Yuna]

Insert Song:
01. TOMORROW [Tsunematsu Ayumi]
02. Unlimited Sky [Tommy heavenly6]

Gundam 00: A wakening of the Trailblazer Soundtrack:
01. CHANGE [UVERworld]
02. Closed World (Tozasareta Sekai) [The Back Horn]
03. Mou Nanimo Kowakunai, Kowaku wa Nai [Chiaki Ishikawa]
04. Qualia [UVERworld]

*Updated December 06, 2011
*Please report broken links!

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1. right click "SKIP AD"
2. Copy link adress
3. paste it to the URL box

enjoy ^_^

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