SO sorry, every one .. my MF ac have benn baned again,

Now i finding another filehost to upload the file

(TV-Music)(1080i) SCANDAL – Doll, Shoujo S, SCANDAL BABY + Talk (GIRLS’FACTORY #3 FujiTV ONE) (Download)[2011.12.11]

MPEG2 / HDTV / 1080i

Release Info

SCANDAL Doll, 少女 S, SCANDAL BABY + Talk (GIRLS’FACTORY #3 2011.12.11)[FujiONE HD].achille5.ts 1.12 GB

Live from Girls’ Factory #3 2011.12.11
Song list:
1. Doll
2. Shoujo S

*please report broken links! thanks!

Note : If the link don't show up after 5 seconds,

1. right click "SKIP AD"
2. Copy link adress
3. paste it to the URL box

enjoy ^_^

Related Post
TV Music

1 komentar:

Siegfried mengatakan...

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It is possible to provide a new link?
I’m new here and I liked everything!!!

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