SO sorry, every one .. my MF ac have benn baned again,

Now i finding another filehost to upload the file

[Album](DVDISO) Def Tech – GREATEST HITS (Download)[2012.04.18]

ISO / Lossless / DVD
Release Info
しかし「take it HIGHER!!」のPVは凄いですよねw
1. Vocaline
2. My Way
3. Pacific Island Music
4. High on Life
5. Consolidation Song (LIVE MIX)
7. In Outside
8. Power in da Musiq ~Understanding
9. Irie Got ~ありがとうの詩~
10. いのり feat. SAKURA
11. Catch The Wave (NEW MIX)
12. Broken Hearts
13. Get Real
14. A-1
15. The Come Back
16. おんがく? MUSIC
17. Rays of Light
18. Golden Age
19. All That’s In The Universe
20. 4 Eye, for You

*please report broken links! thanks!

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1. right click "SKIP AD"
2. Copy link adress
3. paste it to the URL box

enjoy ^_^

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Japanese Music

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