SO sorry, every one .. my MF ac have benn baned again,

Now i finding another filehost to upload the file

[Album] moumoon – No Night Land (FLAC)(Download)[2012.02.08]

FLAC / Lossless / CD

Release Info

No Night Land is the third album released by moumoon. "Tomodachi / Koibito" was used as the Lotte’s "Ghana Milk Chocolate" commercial song.
1. Chu Chu
2. Yes/No Continue?
3. ジェットコースター
4. Butterfly Effect
5. うたをうたおう
6. I found love.
7. トモダチ/コイビト
8. Bon Appetit
9. We Go

10. good night (studio live recording) (Bonus Track)

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enjoy ^_^

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