SO sorry, every one .. my MF ac have benn baned again,

Now i finding another filehost to upload the file

[Album] LAMA – New! (FLAC)(Download)[2011.11.30]

FLAC / Lossless / CD

Release Info


1. Warning
2. Night Telepathy
3. Rockin’ Your Eyes
4. Spell (Alternative ver)
5. Tune On, Tune In, Surf Out
6. Cupid (So Far…ver)
7. Blind Mind
8. doudou
9. Soul Diving
10. Silver Spring
11. Fantasy (The Room ver)
12. Don’t Go Back
13. Ane Mone
14. Dreamin’

Download LINK (ダウンロード):

Mediafire          : Download

*please report broken links! thanks!

Note : If the link don't show up after 5 seconds,

1. right click "SKIP AD"
2. Copy link adress
3. paste it to the URL box

enjoy ^_^

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Japanese Music

3 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

could you upload again please

Unknown mengatakan...

link doesn't work

Unknown mengatakan...

link doesn't work

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